Truly Passionate
Isn’t about loving in the arms of your husband
Wild, abandoned onslaught on the senses
Moans of pleasure, sighs of contentment.
Isn’t the fire ignited in you heart
By a small gesture from your beloved.
Isn’t the mindless ardour
Mistaken by some as ‘love.’
Passion is much more than that
Which we count as its definition
Or its manifestation for our justification.
Is the resolution, born of determined faith,
Discarded pessimism, banished doubts,
Though the task at hand seems mountainous.
Is the steadfast commitment,
Being propelled by intrinsic motivation,
Knowing temptations may strike in a momentary lapse.
Is the utter dedication to the mission
Sacrificing momentary comfort
To be worthy of the ultimate reward
Is unrepentant persistence in one goal,
Consistent repetitions to counter mistakes
And finally seize your rightful success
In that sense my friend,
Your life has been worthless
If you never felt passion,
If you weren’t passionate about even a single thing!