Poetry is a language Of powerful thoughts and imagery, it can strike in the heart of man, it can shape lives and actions. Then can it not be used to enhance to the finder qualities of man? Rather than providing shallow enjoyment? And promoting the baser instincts? If I was a poet, I would like my words To compell the soul, To pursue the true pupose of existence. Oh, what wouldn’t I give to go on collecting my reward, Beyond this life....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005



It is a word that mustn’t be said,
Mustn’t be uttered, mustn’t be betrayed.
You define it by your whim,
Cutting, pasting or deleting as you deem.
It is a right forever abused,
A fight long defeated and trounced.
It is a promise of false pretensions,
A lure of countless, nameless deceptions.
You say justice will prevail surely;
If under your flag we rally,
But you lie, you slander,
In your hand does it suffer loot and plunder.
The world moans, the people grieve,
For justice is raped each day and eve,
The UN; a terrible shame ,
Not worth our hope, this cruel game.
Prisoner abuse, detaining refugees,
Economic sanctions and biased foreign policies,
Yet after all this;
You claim to be the epitome of peace and Justice!

Almighty in the Heaven above,
Looks down on us with fairness and love.
Have you seen Justice this true?
Await the Akhirah, it’ll prevail through and through.


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